How to Use a Rangefinder Scope – Mileseey Tools
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How to Use a Rangefinder Scope

how to use a rifle scope rangefinder

When it comes to hunting, being able to see further and better is one of the most important factors to improve your game and make sure you get your desired results. And of course, this is only magnified once night drops.

Our eyesight has its limits, and this is even more apparent at night since identifying anything on our own becomes a challenge. So to truly take in your surroundings you'll need a rangefinder or scope with a rangefinder. And if you want to be able to keep on hunting even at night then a night rangefinder scope will become a must.

how to use a rifle scope rangefinder

What is a rangefinder scope?

The first thing we need to do is to explain in simple terms what a rangefinder scope is, whether we are talking about fixed, handheld, or even golf rangefinder scopes.

A rangefinder is a device that measures the distance between itself and its target. Usually, this is achieved with a laser beam, but the most important takeaway is that a rangefinder will provide you with an accurate assessment of the distance between you and your target so you can plan your shots and improve your accuracy.

READ MORE:How To Pick The Best Rangefinder For Hunting In 2023

What are the benefits of using a rangefinder scope?

So why exactly should you want a rangefinder scope? Let's try to answer that by taking a closer look at the key advantages these devices provide to hunters, and how they can make your own experiences better.

They are very easy to pick up and use. Rangefinder scopes are designed to have an easy-to-use reticle which makes aiming and tracking easier, not to mention that they usually provide other important info on the same display without obstructing your view of the target.

You'll have a clear grasp of the real distance between your target. Thanks to their straightforward design you'll be able to easily grasp the distance and account for it in a matter of seconds.

As with all things, practice does make perfect. If you keep using a scope you'll learn its peculiarities and features and will be able to use them faster while improving your results.

Rangefinder scopes tend to have multiple measurement modes, which means they are adaptable and you can tinker with them until you find your ideal setting.

Night vision scopes provide you with visual information that you would have no access to on your own. A clear image at night will completely change the way you interact with your targets and extend your hunting hours considerably.

What are the drawbacks of using a rangefinder scope?

Rangefinder scopes are great products that provide hunters with new tools and information to improve their game, but of course, every single thing in this world will have its drawbacks when you take a closer look at them. So let's go over the potential drawbacks you might run into when using a scope for your hunting trips.

Rangefinders run on numbers, which means you need to be ready to make calculations to use them to their full potential.

Rangefinders are sensitive devices, which means that miscalibration or certain angles can affect the range finding.

As with other magnification tools the models with the better specs also tend to be considerably heavier and bulkier, so that might affect the comfort of your shots.

Not all rangefinders are designed with night vision in mind, and not all of them can work both night and day. So make sure to read the description carefully to get the most out of your purchase.

Once again, practice makes perfect. You might find the process of using a rangefinder cumbersome at most, so it'll take some time before you truly master the device.

How does a rangefinder scope work?

A rangefinder scope is still a scope at the end of the day, which means that the proper assembly and adjusting of your purchase will be essential to get accurate readings and precise shots. Generally, it is used the same way you use a rangefinder, especially in hunting.

This doesn't mean it's impossible or a hurdle to set up your scope on your own, but rather that it's good to truly understand the basics of each step so you can get the best results.

So with the above in mind let's take a closer look at how to use your rangefinder one step at a time.

Step 1: Zero in your scope

Of course, the first thing you'll need to do is to zero your scope to make sure your scope's readings and your rifle's trajectory are properly aligned. Usually, this is done by taking 3 shots at your targets and altering the scope as needed.

Bore sighting is also an option. You'll need to concentrate both the bore and the scope on a single target by slowly adjusting the rangefinder's laser. Make sure that the gun is stable while doing either of these processes, otherwise, your alignment might not be fully accurate.

Step 2: Check your distance

This is where math begins to become important to the process, as you'll need to keep in mind the possible height of your target. Each scope has its own set of measurements that tell you about the distance to your target, and by comparing it to the assumed height of the target you'll be able to check its accuracy. Modern rangefinders of course do a lot of this automatically, but it's always nice to confirm on your own its current accuracy.

Step 3: Align your scope reticle

Last but not least you should adjust your reticle until you are comfortable with your aim. The knob will allow you to easily adjust your reticle, just keep in mind that the point at which you adjust your scope will determine how appropriate the marker will be.

Mileseey Rangefinder Scope

When it comes to rangefinder scopes our recommendation is the Mileseey LK01 Auxiliary Ballistic Smart Laser Rangefinder. The LK01 is designed to be compatible with multiple modern hunting solutions like smart scopes, night vision goggles, Picatinny rails, or even on its own as a handheld rangefinder,

Up to the 1200y range also ensures that you are covered no matter how far your target is, and thanks to its improved lens set and smart controls not only will your targeting be more accurate but it'll also be easier to adjust on the go for improved results and smoother shots.

Get it here!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Before making any purchase it's always important to cover every single possible angle and answer any doubts you might have. After all, there's nothing better than making an informed purchase and this applies even when it comes to hunting tools.

So let's go over 5 common questions that can help you better understand how to use your rangefinder scope and what kind of device you should opt for.

1. What does MOA mean in the context of a rifle scope?

MOA means Minute Of Angle and refers to the possible angles on your shooting range. In short, an MOA or Minute refers to 1/60th of your viewing or shooting angle and helps you locate your aim around the area.

2. Why can't my rifle scope adjust at all when moving sights?

If your scope isn't allowing you to adjust when moving sights it likely is a lockdown model. Some scopes have lockdown screws that need to be loosened before adjusting and that ensure your chosen angle won't move on the field. However, you should make sure to read the manual before loosening anything just in case.

3. If I set my rifle scope at 30 yards, can I hit a target at 100 yards?

Yes, of course, this is perfectly doable. However, your rifle's caliber, the size of your target, and of course your aim will also play a role in this case.

4. How do I sight in a rangefinder scope at 50 yards?

The best way to do this is with a dedicated zero object and a good grid. Zeroing will of course be harder as the distance increases, but with firm hands and a clear target, it is much easier to pull it off.

5. Is a 30-06 good for long-range shooting?

Definitely. 30-06 qualifies you for a shooting range of up to 4.75 miles, which is more than enough in most cases.

Wrapping It Up

Rangefinders improve your optics and allow you to make more accurate assessments of distance to improve your accuracy and extend your possible shooting range. In hunting, better optics will always lead to better results, and while rangefinders might take a while to get used to, it's undeniable that they provide countless benefits that will improve your own game.

At Mileseey, we believe in innovative ways to develop and distribute rangefinding products that result in more affordable models that provide the latest breakthrough in technology and are ready for any situation.


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